Jump in the Deep End

Meeka Anne
Dec 11, 2022


Today, take a minute (or more) and think about jumping in the deep end.

I’ve been learning some new stuff that really is over my head.

When I am in the midst of it, I often feel like I’m overreaching, and I just can’t do it.

Yet, I managed to push through just as I thought I should give up.

Isn’t this what all of life is about?

Sometimes we must get over our heads and tackle significant challenges.

And then keep going when we hit a wall.

Once we are on the other side, we learn what we are capable of, and we come out feeling stronger and more confident.

How might you challenge yourself?

Go big — you can do it!



Meeka Anne

A mom, a writer, and, an entrepreneur who believes in lifelong learning and spiritual arts. Love yoga and chasing gurus. Visit soulseekeracademy.com for more